
An Invitation to the Unrighteous

An Invitation to the Unrighteous

The place to begin is with a woman knocking on a door. She has come because she has been invited. Admittedly, this invitation has taken place somewhere outside the realm of the story and of what we can see as readers. Nevertheless, we know she has been invited because Jesus says elsewhere: “No one can come to me unless drawn by the Father who sent me…” (Jn.6:44a NRSV)



I can understand departure on a deeply personal level. Three years ago, I left my home of nearly 20 years to set out on a new journey. I crossed over a threshold to come to a new place, invited to a new home. Jesus has come with me, and I am grateful. Through this story, I can recognize elements of my own invitation to depart and to make my home in a different place.